The cvk680 device is an infrared poker analyzer infrared contact lenses poker. This device is able to predict your poker game winnings and let you know the rank of the cards before the game begins. It can also help you adjust your strategy immediately. The CVK 680 is the most popular poker analyzer for 2020. It can be used to analyze Texas Holdem cvk 680 device, Omaha and BlackJack games. This poker analyzer will allow you to see the rank of the players in a game and can provide information about cards such as their suit, value and all-hands ranking. Circuit 106 can be used to predict the outcome of a poker game and place your wagers accordingly. Circuit 106 may operate on the contact lenses based solely on sensed capacitance. This circuit can be used without external sources (e.g. reader 112). The circuit 106 also can operate on contact lenses based on motion sensors, display unit control circuits, and thin-film cameras. The circuit 106 can also operate on the contact lenses based on the type, amount, and composition of the material that is disposed within the lens.