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The history from the LEGO firm begins in 1932 when Ole Kirk Christiansen, a Danish father, decided to begin a business providing his timber toys door to door in the town of Billund, Denmark. He known as his start up business “Lego” – a combination of two Danish sayings, “leg godt, ” which recommended “play very well. ”
In 1958, you’re able to send founder, Godtfred Kristiansen, patented a system intended for coupling the plastic stones that would later on become referred to as PROFANO “Automatic Binding Bricks. inches The invention allowed LEGO to make more diverse and complicated toys.
From there, LEGO extended their offerings and began to appeal to both kids. It produced a https://lego-x.com/2020/02/22/a-brief-history-of-the-creation-of-the-lego-constructor/ line of “Minifigures” in the mid-1970s that included human figures with posable arms, and also marketed jewelry sets to get young girls.
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Because the company grew, it necessary to increase its ability to create new products quickly and effectively. To this end, it hired management agent Jorgen Vig Knudstorp.
This individual helped the business cut down on inventory and reduce creation time. This individual encouraged the business to build contact with key toy corporations, including Focus on, Wal-Mart and Toys ‘R’ Us.
He also introduced LEGO Strategies, an online community where admirers could submit plans for new Seglar sets that they wanted to discover produced. This kind of allowed PROFANO to test the appeal of new ideas and gain feedback before committing to all of them.
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